NC Division of Water Resources

Geophysical Log Database Access

165 Log Sites -- Download text file --
CountyQuadNameTypelistNumber of LogsMinimum DepthMaximum Depth
PamlicoQ 14RLowland RSgamma,res,sp3675739
PamlicoQ 15UEHNR Hobucken RSgamma,res,sp310041005
PamlicoQ 15U2EHNR Hobucken RSres,sp2160161
PamlicoQ 15U3EHNR Hobucken RSres,sp210031004
PamlicoR 17I2Bay City RSres,sp2450451
PamlicoR 17I3Bay City RSgamma,res,sp3602621
PamlicoS 15YWhortonsville RSgamma,res,sp315201522
PamlicoS 15Y2Whortonsville RSres,sp2239240
PamlicoS 16UAtlas Plywood 1 Carolina Petroleum Co64normal,sp234233431
PamlicoS 16VCarolina Petro. Co. (Merritt)res,sp227642765
PamlicoS 17BPamlico County Bayboro Prisongamma,res2459460
PamlicoS 18UArapahoe RSgamma,res,sp310451048
PamlicoS 18U2Arapahoe RSres,sp2147147
PamlicoS 18VNear Arapahoe Well Sitetdem111851185
PamlicoT 15ENC Pulp Wood 1 Carolina Petroleum Co64normal,sp236723677
PamlicoT 16LTown of Orientalgamma,res,sp3332334
PamlicoT 17LPamilco County Kershaw 116normal,64normal,gamma,res,sp5351354
PasquotankC 12PPA-T1-62gamma,res,sp3676681
PasquotankC 12WMorgans Corner RSgamma,res,sp315281529
PasquotankC 13L2Pasqua 1Atdem113891389
PasquotankC 13W2Pasqua 2Atdem111831183
PasquotankD 11G2Pasqua 6Atdem1643643
PasquotankD 11PPasqua 7tdem1947947
PasquotankD 11P2ComPark1Atdem1785785
PasquotankD 11QCorrectional Institutiongamma,res,sp3131135
PasquotankD 11VNC Forestry HDQgamma,res,sp3499502
PasquotankD 11V2NC Forestry HDQ RSgamma,res,sp3499500
PasquotankD 11XTang 13tdem1931931
PasquotankD 12VWaldorf1res,sp227102719
PasquotankE 10RElizabeth City VPIgamma110551055
PasquotankE 10UEliz. City CGS RSgamma,res,sp3200202
PasquotankE 10UUSCGtdem1841841
PasquotankE 11FElizCty 2tdem1841841
PasquotankE 11IEliz. City RO Testgamma,res,sp3899903
PasquotankE 11PElizCty 1tdem1849849
PasquotankE 11QOkisko RSgamma,res,sp3200201
PasquotankE 12ATang 15tdem1882882
PasquotankE 12JElizCty 3tdem1820820
PasquotankE 12MElizCty 4tdem1850850
PasquotankE 12SOkiskotdem1600600
PasquotankF 10KWeeksville Ele. RSgamma,res,sp3220221
PasquotankF 10QPA-T2-62 USGSres,sp2703704
PasquotankF 10TWksvilletdem1876876
PasquotankF 11HHalls Creektdem114361436
PasquotankF 11IHalls Creek RSgamma,res,sp3200200
PasquotankG 9CBig Flatty Creek RSgamma,res,sp3731732
PasquotankG 9CBigFlatytdem1863863
PenderAA 27LTopsail Fire Tower16normal,64normal,gamma,res,sp5493498
PenderAA 27XSecond Windtdem112441244
PenderAA 31WFarmer knows bettertdem111851185
PenderAA 32QCarolina Baytdem110391039
PenderAA 32RCurrie RStdem1893893
PenderAA 32RLong Creek RS16normal,64normal,gamma,res,sp5543543
PenderAA 33DMud and Icetdem111851185
PenderAA 33LMoores Creek National Parkres,sp2603649
PenderBB 28JTopsail Beach RSgamma,res,sp38411001
PenderBB 28J2Topsail Stationgamma,res,sp313491357
PenderBB 28NNC Oil and Gas Lea 1induction,sp212521253
PenderBB 28QSpot Festtdem112441244
PenderX 28OAwe Rutstdem1952952
PenderX 28WNC Oil and Gasgamma,res2732732
PenderY 28DMaple Hilltdem110391039
PenderY 30KPort-o-let on Stiltstdem111851185
PenderY 30SBurgaw RSgamma,res,sp3930932
PenderY 32QCape Fear Hatchery 316normal,64normal,gamma,lateral,res,sp6456463
PenderY 33DMrs. Henry Fieldtdem1703703
PenderZ 29NBurgaw Wildlife Ramptdem110391039
PenderZ 29NHolly Shelter Boat Ramp16normal,64normal,gamma,res,sp5701707
PenderZ 32KPender High Schooltdem110391039
PerquimansE 13MParkville RSgamma,res,sp312001201
PerquimansF 11FPerq 1tdem110031003
PerquimansF 12VPerq 2tdem1899899
PerquimansF 13WPerquimans RS16normal,64normal,gamma,res,sp511391145
PerquimansG 13FPerq 3tdem1939939
PittK 24HTown of Bethel Well #1res,sp2416418
PittK 24H2Town of Bethel TW-1gamma,res,sp3364490
PittK 24H3Town of Bethel Well 2res,sp2515523
PittK 24H4Town of Bethel Water Towergamma,res,sp3273274
PittK 24WGrassy Messtdem1706706
PittL 23EDry Enoughtdem111851185
PittL 23HStokes Schoolgamma,res,sp38586
PittL 23H2Stokes Schoolgamma18585
PittL 23IStokestdem1747747
PittL 24BBethel- N Pitt H.S.RSgamma,res,sp3160690
PittL 24BNorth Pitt High Schooltdem1747747
PittL 24B2Peanut Humpstdem1747747
PittL 24B3Bethel- N Pitt H.S.RSsp1690690
PittL 25BGrindle Pocosintdem1554554
PittL 25PFalkland Wildlife Ramp16normal,64normal,gamma,res,sp5452452
PittL 26IJay Holley Property16normal,64normal,gamma,res,sp5199199
PittL 26KFalklandtdem1554554
PittL 27XTown of Fountainres,sp2271273
PittM 22BFeather Creek Farmstdem111851185
PittM 22NPactolus Elementary Schoolres,sp2290300
PittM 23IRams Horn Roadtdem1893893
PittM 23QGreenville ASR test holegamma,lateral,res,sp4517529
PittM 24BGUC - NSW Wellgamma,res,sp3425503
PittM 24B2Burroughs Wellcome Corporationgamma,res,sp3598630
PittM 24JRiver Park Northtdem1747747
PittM 24LRiver Park North, Greenville16normal,64normal,gamma,res,sp5662662
PittM 24PECU Well HSC-1gamma,res,sp3420448
PittM 24RGUC - WSW Wellres,sp2686686
PittM 24SECU Main Campus Well MC-1gamma,res2462469
PittM 24UGUC - ESW Wellres,sp2712713
PittM 25F(VOA) Site Cres,sp2200204
PittM 25FVOA/ECUtdem1601601
PittM 25F2West Research Campus16normal,64normal,fluidres,gamma,res,sp6568574
PittM 26OCity of Farmvilleres,sp2397397
PittM 26QTown of Farmville Well 17gamma,res,sp3496500
PittM 26UBell Arthur Well 1res,sp2495496
PittM 26YE. Church St.res,sp2515515
PittM 27LFarmvilletdem1601601
PittM 27LTown of Farmville Well 258res,sp2398399
PittM 27RTown of Farmville Ghost Hollow Wellres,sp2296301
PittM 27UFarmville RSgamma,res,sp3260310
PittM 27U2Perfect 100tdem111851185
PittM 27U4Marlboro Road Station16normal,64normal,gamma,res,sp5409414
PittM 27U5Town of Farmville Lincoln Park Wellres,sp2358358
PittM 27U6Town of Farmville Marlboro Wellres1300300
PittM 27VTown of Farmville CA Wellres,sp2393393
PittM 27XTown of Farmville Lewis Store Wellres,sp2337337
PittN 22ITown of Grimeslandres,sp2197197
PittN 22YBlackjack RSgamma,res,sp3208208
PittN 23BEastern Pines Well 2res,sp2437438
PittN 23DEastern Pines Water Assoc. Well 1res,sp2431432
PittN 23GEastern Pines Old Well 2res,sp2456456
PittN 23OEastern Pines Well 4res,sp2479482
PittN 23PConley RSgamma,res,sp3719802
PittN 23PDH Conley HStdem1820820
PittN 24OOil Fieldtdem1658658
PittN 24PTown of Winterville Test (1961)res,sp2388401
PittN 24P2Town of Winterville Test (1965)res,sp2650656
PittN 24P3Town of Winterville Well 416normal,64normal,gamma,res,sp5709729
PittN 24QTown of Winterville well 3res,sp2444445
PittN 24YTown of Winterville well 2gamma,res,sp3423424
PittN 24Y2Town of Winterville TW 2gamma,res,sp3436441
PittN 25GBell Arthur Well 3res,sp2352353
PittN 25WBell Arthur Water Well 7gamma,res,sp3498505
PittN 26DTown of Farmville Chinquapin Wellres,sp2403403
PittN 26GFlannigans Airfieldtdem1585585
PittN 26HA. C. Turnagegamma,res,sp3262311
PittN 26H2Town of Farmville Langs Crsrdsgamma1440440
PittN 26KBallards Crossroadstdem1585585
PittN 26KWorthington Farms T116normal,64normal,sp3361377
PittN 26MTown of Farmville Dale Wellgamma,res,sp3540557
PittN 26NTown of Farmville Well #15gamma,res,sp3533535
PittO 22D(VOA) Site Bres,sp2462468
PittO 22EEastern Pines Water Corp Well 3gamma,lateral,res3515520
PittO 22HVoice of Americares,sp2471471
PittO 22LCreeping Swamp RS 4res,sp28080
PittO 22VCreeping Swamp RS 2gamma,res,sp36868
PittO 23LChicod School RSgamma,res,sp310941094
PittO 23PFarmland Fisheriesgamma,res,sp3554555
PittO 23SShelmerdinetdem110361036
PittO 23TShelmerdine RSgamma,res,sp3307309
PittO 24RAydentdem1897897
PittO 25GRountreetdem1674674
PittO 25JTown of Ayden well 1res,sp2571571
PittO 25RBell Arthur Peedee Test Well 1 Hanrahan Rdgamma,res,sp3183186
PittP 23THonolulu TDEMtdem116431643
PittP 24OGrifton Ballfield Station16normal,64normal,gamma,res,sp5873879
PittP 24PGaskins Const. Co.tdem110681068
PittP 25AWeyerhauser/Hanrahangamma,res,sp3404404
PittP 25KGrifton Citygamma,res,sp3406406
PittP 25LTown of Grifton Well 1res,sp2602602
165 Log Sites -- download text file