NC Division of Water Resources

Groundwater Level Monthly Statistics

plot of historical monthly water levels versus year of interest
Well: BB 28J5 -- Topsail Beach
part of the Division of Water Resources Network

Well is impacted by nearby borrow pit operation. DWR will find replacement site for the DIW list.

Statistical curves are monthly minimum, 2nd percentile, 5th, 10th, 20th, 30th, 70th & maximum of the record through 2023. Red points are 2024, latest date in month data. Statistics based on all DWR data for well.

Choose Plot Type: Calendar Year Current Month & Prior Year
Percentile Distribution
DMAC Percentile Distribution

Select Ending Year of Interest (gray with red outlined points):
Select the last year for statistical curves:

Plot will redraw with each selection change.

A distinctive feature of this plot is the drop in groundwater levels associated with April - May - June (and sometimes longer) time period. This is when evapo-transpiration typically exceeds rainfall which leads to less recharge and a decline in groundwater levels. Recovery of groundwater levels usually begins in October - November (and sometimes later) when precipitation begins to exceed evapo-transpiration.