NC Division of Water Resources

Table Field Descriptions

Division of Water Resources (DWR) Table Field Descriptions

# Field Description
1 USGS ID USGS identifier
2 Latitude latitude NAD 83
3 Longitude longitude NAD 83
4 northing83 stateplane meters north NAD 83
5 easting83 stateplane meters east NAD 83
6 Location Accuracy GPS accuracy? (G = GPS; M = Map derived)
7 Name
8 County
9 Quad one-minute quad identifier
10 Aquifer aquifer abbreviation
11 Date Constructed construction date
12 Depth depth of well below land surface (feet)
13 Diameter diameter of well (inches)
14 Yield yield of well (gallons per minute)
15 Land Surface Elevation land surface elevation (feet referenced to NAVD 88)
16 Top of Screen Depth depth to top of screened interval from land surface (feet)
17 Bottom of Screen Depth depth to bottom of screened interval from land surface (feet)
18 Existing does well exist? (y or n or ?)
19 Recorder Box is there a recorder security box? (options y = dwr box; n = no box; u = usgs box; o = other)
20 Netname alternate USGS identifier
21 Temperature water temperature (degrees Fahrenheit)
22 Measuring Point measuring point height (feet)