NC Division of Water Resources

Table Field Descriptions

United States Geological Survey (USGS) Table Field Descriptions

# Field Description
1 USGS ID USGS identifier
2 County
3 Quad one-minute quad identifier
4 Local ID name of well
5 Latitude latitude NAD 83
6 Longitude longitude NAD 83
7 Land Surface Elevation land surface elevation (feet referenced to NAVD 88)
8 Measuring Point height of casing (feet above land surface)
9 Construction Date construction date
10 Depth depth of well below land surface (feet)
11 Aquifer aquifer abbreviation
12 Top of Screen Depth depth to top of screened interval from land surface (feet)
13 Bottom of Screen Depth depth to bottom of screened interval from land surface (feet)
14 Screen Diameter diameter of well (inches)
15 Netname alternate USGS identifier