NC Division of Water Resources

Table Field Descriptions

AQCHARACTER Table Field Descriptions

# Field Description
1 quad one-minute quad identifier
2 name
3 lat latitude NAD 83
4 lon longitude NAD 83
5 locacc GPS accuracy? G = GPS, M = Map derived
6 county
7 topzone depth to top of zone below land surface (feet)
8 botzone depth to bottom of zone below land surface (feet)
9 source source of aquifer test data
11 t_sqftpd transmissivity (square feet per day)
12 storcoef storage coefficient (unitless)
13 aquifer aquifer name
14 sc_gpmpft specific capacity (gallons per minute per foot of drawdown)
15 testtype single or multiple well test
16 k_ftpd hydraulic conductivity (feet per day)
17 testdate date of test
18 lselev land surface elevation (feet referenced to NAVD 88)
19 diameter well diameter (inches)
20 depth depth to bottom of test well from land surface (feet)
21 spyiel_pct specific yield (percentage)
22 kpri_ftpd vertical hydraulic conductivity or k-prime (feet per day)
23 purate_gpm pumping rate (gallons per minute)
24 duratn_min duration of test (minutes)
25 yield_gpm well yield (gallons per minute)
26 static_wl static water level (depth below land surface in feet)
27 method test analysis method
28 station DWR monitoring station?
29 datasource well where water level data was collected (observation or pumping)