NC Division of Water Resources

Lab Qualifiers

ADWRReported value is an average, where at least one result is qualified with a “U”. PQL is used for qualified result(s) to calculate average.
BGELTarget analyte was detected in associated blank.
B1DWRCountable membranes with less than 20 colonies. Reported value is estimated or is a total of counts on all filters reported per 100 ml.
B2DWRCounts from all filters were zero. value reported is based on number of colonies per 100 ml that would have been reported if there had been one colony on filter representing largest filtration volume (reported as a less than "<" value).
B3DWRCountable membranes with more than 60 or 80 colonies. Value reported is calculated using count from smallest volume filtered and reported as a greater than ">" value.
B4DWRFilters have counts of both >60 or 80 and <20. Reported value is estimated or is a total of counts on all filters reported per 100 ml.
B5DWRToo many colonies were present; too numerous to count (TNTC). TNTC is generally defined as >150 colonies.
B6DWREstimated Value. Blank contamination evident.
B7DWRMany non-coliform or non-enterococcus colonies or interfering non-coliform or non-enterococcus growth present. In this competitive situation, reported value may under-represent actual density.
CDWRTotal residual chlorine was present in sample upon receipt in laboratory; value is estimated. Generally applies to cyanide, phenol, NH3, TKN, coliform, and organics.
G1DWRDissolved oxygen (DO) depletion of dilution water blank exceeded 0.2 mg/L.
G10DWRcBOD value is greater than BOD value.
G2DWRBacterial seed controls did not meet requirement of a DO depletion of at least 2.0 mg/L and/or a DO residual of at least 1.0 mg/L.
G3DWRNo sample dilution met requirement of a DO depletion of at least 2.0 mg/L and/or a DO residual of at least 1.0 mg/L.
G4DWREvidence of toxicity was present. This is generally characterized by a significant increase in BOD value as sample concentration decreases. Reported value is calculated from highest dilution representing maximum loading potential and should be considered an estimated value.
G5DWRGlucose/ glutamic acid standard exceeded range of 198 ± 30.5 mg/L.
G6DWRCalculated seed correction exceeded range of 0.6 to 1.0 mg/L.
G7DWRLess than 1 mg/L DO remained for all dilutions set. Reported value is an estimated greater than value and is calculated for dilution using least amount of sample.
G8DWROxygen usage is less than 2 mg/L for all dilutions set. Reported value is an estimated less than value and is calculated for dilution using most amount of sample.
G9DWRDO depletion of dilution water blank produced a negative value.
hGELPreparation or preservation holding time was exceeded.
JGELValue is estimated.
J1DWRSurrogate recovery limits have been exceeded.
J10DWRUnidentified peak; estimated value.
J11DWRReported value is determined by a one-point estimation rather than against a regression equation. Estimated concentration is less than laboratory PQL and greater than instrument noise level. This code is used when an MDL has not been established for the analyte in question.
J12DWRCalibration verification did not meet calibration acceptance criterion for field parameters.
J2DWRReported value failed to meet established quality control criteria for either precision or accuracy.
J3DWRSample matrix interfered with ability to make any accurate determination.
J4DWRData is questionable because of improper laboratory or field protocols (e.g., composite sample was collected instead of grab, plastic instead of glass container, etc.).
J5DWRTemperature limits exceeded (samples frozen or >6°C) during transport or not verifiable (e.g., no temperature blank provided): nonreportable for NPDES compliance monitoring.
J6DWRLaboratory analysis was from an unpreserved or improperly chemically preserved sample. data may not be accurate.
J7DWRThis qualifier is used to identify analyte concentration exceeding upper calibration range of analytical instrument/method. The reported value should be considered estimated.
J8DWRTemperature limits exceeded (samples frozen or >6ºC) during storage, data may not be accurate.
J9DWRReported value is determined by a one-point estimation rather than against a regression equation. Estimated concentration is less than laboratory PQL and greater than laboratory method detection limit.
MDWRSample and duplicate results are "out of control". Sample is non-homogenous (e.g., VOA soil). Reported value is lower value of duplicate analyses of a sample.
N1DWRComponent has been tentatively identified based on mass spectral library search.
N2DWRThere is an indication that analyte is present, but quality control requirements for confirmation were not met (i.e., presence of analyte was not confirmed by alternate procedures).
N3DWRThis code shall be used if level is too low to permit accurate quantification, but estimated concentration is less than laboratory PQL and greater than laboratory method detection limit. This code is not routinely used for most analyses.
N4DWRThis code shall be used if level is too low to permit accurate quantification, but estimated concentration is less than the laboratory practical quantitation limit and greater than instrument noise level. This code is used when an MDL has not been established for analyte in question.
N5DWRComponent has been tentatively identified based on a retention time standard.
PDWRSample dilution occurred due to either matrix interference or target analytes being present at concentrations greater than calibration curve. Reported target analyte values are obtained from results which were bracketed by calibration curve.
Q1DWRHolding time exceeded prior to receipt by lab.
Q2DWRHolding time exceeded following receipt by lab.
SDWRNot enough sample provided to prepare and/or analyze a method-required matrix spike (MS) and/or matrix spike duplicate (MSD).
UDWRIndicates that analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above reported PQL. Number value reported with "U" qualifier is equal to laboratory's PQL*. If "P" qualifier is reported with this "U" qualifier, then reported PQL elevated.
UGELAnalyte was analyzed for, but not detected above MDL, MDA, MDC or LOD.
UUDWRIndicates that analyte was not detected by a screen analysis. Number value reported with "UU" qualifier is equal to laboratory's PQL. Number value was determined by a one-point estimation at PQL, rather than against a regression equation.
V1DWRAnalyte was detected in both sample and method blank.
V2DWRAnalyte was detected in both sample and field blank.
XGELStandards used to make initial calibration curve did not meet the ISO 17025 criterion. These are only standard available for these analytes. Additional sample volume was not provided to use for matrix QC.
X1DWRSample not screened for this compound.
X2DWRSampled, but analysis lost or not performed-field error.
X3DWRSampled, but analysis lost or not performed-lab error.
YDWRElevated PQL due to insufficient sample size.
Z1DWRSample analysis/results are not reported due to inability to analyze sample. presence or absence of analyte cannot be verified.
Z2DWRSample analysis/results are not reported due to questions concerning data reliability. presence or absence of analyte cannot be verified.