Local Network Data Entry

Local Networks are really important because we recognize that DWR can't possibly monitor all the wells necessary for individuals, municipality and county employees, state and federal employees, and hydrogeological consultants to make appropriate groundwater quantity and quality-related decisions. To that end we've opened up our web pages to allow local network operators to upload water level data and have it included on our web site so they and others can make use of our data manipulation and graphing tools.

If you have questions or comments please email the Webmaster.    Click here to return to the DWR water level access page.

Password Activation

Enter your name, network, e-mail address, and a proposed password, and click the button to activate.

Your Name:
Network: New one if not listed:
Email Address:
Password: (maximum of 11 characters)

Local Network Data Entry Pages

Enter association and password, and click the button to begin data entry. If you don't see your association listed, then we're not ready for you to begin.
