Jordan Lake Water Supply Storage Allocations Round Two


Proposed Increase in Interbasin Transfer

Hearing Officers' Report

Table of Contents

  1. VOLUME I (html)(pdf 684 kb)
    1. Part I: Hearing Officers'; Recommendations and Interbasin Transfer Certificate (html) (pdf 434 kb)
      • Hearing Officers' Recommendations
      • Interbasin Transfer Certificate
    2. Part II: Summary Table of Public Comments, and Staff Responses to Comments Received (html) (pdf 197 kb)
      • Table of Public Comments and Key to Staff Response
      • Staff Responses
  2. VOLUME II(pdf 22.5 mb) *
    1. Part III: Transcript of March 5, 2001 Public Hearing -- Raleigh, NC (html)(pdf 451 kb)
    2. Part IV: Transcript of March 6, 2001 Public Hearing -- Fayetteville, NC(pdf 2.8 mb)*
    3. Part V: Written Comments Received (pdf 19.1 mb)*
    4. Part VI: Attachments (html 90kb) (pdf 74kb)
      • Notice of Public Hearing(html 10kb) (pdf 14kb)
      • Rules and Regulations (html 39kb) (pdf 39kb)
      • List of Attendees(html 51kb) (pdf 27kb)

* Note: Due to their size, we are providing these documents in the PDF format. These documents contain scanned images from public comments that have been submitted, and are not easiliy accessible to the visually impaired. For additional information or copies of these documents on CD, please contact the Division of Water Resources at 919-733-4064.