NC Division of Water Resources

North Carolina Aquifers

The aquifers in North Carolina are highly varied in their character and water producing capabilities. Several of these aquifers can be traced over large geographic areas and hence form principal aquifers; significant sources of groundwater for potable water supplies and other agricultural or industrial interests in large portions of North Carolina. Other aquifers in the State provide less significant amounts of water and cover smaller areas of the State. The following material describes briefly some attributes of the principal aquifers, which include the Lower Cape Fear, Upper Cape Fear, Black Creek, Peedee, Castle Hayne, Yorktown, Surficial, and Bedrock aquifers. Minor aquifers in the State include the Lower Cretaceous, Beaufort, and Pungo River.

Aquifers, or more accurately, aquifer systems, are hydraulically connected materials (sands, limestone, and fractured rock) that provide water through a properly constructed well open to those materials. In the coastal plain, an aquifer is typically composed of one to several layers of eastward thickening, permeable sands or limestone split by discontinuous, clay-rich materials. Confining units, consisting of clay-rich sediments, exist above and below an aquifer. These confining units are more continuous clay layers and separate the aquifers. The surficial or unconfined aquifer overlies all the confined aquifers in the coastal plain.

In the Piedmont and Blue Ridge Provinces of North Carolina, two major aquifer systems exist, and usually interact with one another. The surficial materials or regolith of these provinces forms the unconfined aquifer and the fractured rock beneath, is the unconfined to semi-confined bedrock aquifer. Usually the surficial aquifer feeds the fractures in the bedrock aquifer.

Several of the principal aquifers deserve further classification. The Upper and Lower Cape Fear, Black Creek, Peedee, and Castle Hayne aquifers form regional aquifers. In large portions of these aquifers, sands and limestone materials are so well connected that withdrawals cause pressure reductions many miles from the pumping center. This is good news in that wells are very high yielding. The negative outcome is that pumping at one well affects water levels in wells for miles around. This can be seen in water level data from the central coastal plain in the Upper Cape Fear, Black Creek, and Peedee aquifers; Robeson, Bladen and Columbus counties in the Upper Cape Fear aquifer; northeastern North Carolina in the Lower Cape Fear aquifer; and Beaufort and surrounding counties in the Castle Hayne aquifer.

Carbon 14 age dating of the groundwater in the Black Creek and Upper Cape Fear aquifers reinforces our understanding of the groundwater flow patterns in these aquifers. The ages of the water increased with depth and with distance from the fall line eastward and ranged from 400 years to over 26,000 years [1]. The major source of recharge to these aquifers comes from where they are in communication with the surficial aquifer near their westward limit. The water flows down gradient for tens of thousands of years before being withdrawn by water users in the coastal plain.

The following correlation chart illustrates the relation between North Carolina coastal plain aquifers, geologic time, geologic formations, and similar information from South Carolina and Virginia.

NC-VA-SC Correlation Chart

Principal Aquifers (links to the latest potentiometric surface maps available)

Additional historical maps are available on the Interactive Map Interface. Using the MAKE POTMAP tool, this interface also allows the end user to create potentiometric surface maps for the regional aquifer and time period of interest.

Minor Aquifers

Aquifer Maps

Maps of the North Carolina regional aquifers follow. Please consider this information as "work in progress." Maps are based on data collected from USGS and NCDEQ sources and will change as mapping and interpretation in DWR project areas progress. Sources include the following: USGS Open-File 87-690, USGS WRIR 93-4049, 89-4128, & 87-4178; and DWR's Hydrogeologic Assessments of Wilmington Harbor, North Albemarle, CUA #1, Southern Coastal Plain, Central Coastal Plain, East Central Coastal Plain, and the Northwestern Coastal Plain. Arcview shape files include a polygonal dataset of the extent of the fresh, transitional, and salty parts of the aquifer; the distribution of boreholes as point data; and line data representing the contours of the aquifer top.

AquiferAbbrev.ImageShape FilesDatePDFLegend
YorktownTybulletbullet5/2024bulletexplanatory aquifer block diagram
Castle HayneTchbulletbullet5/2024bullet
Black CreekKbcbulletbullet5/2024bullet
Upper Cape FearKucfbulletbullet5/2024bullet
Lower Cape FearKlcfbulletbullet5/2024bullet
Lower CretaceousKlcrtbulletbullet5/2024bullet
The block diagram to the right illustrates how the linked maps show the distribution of salty and fresh water in an aquifer. The width of the transition zone corresponds to the dip of the fresh-salt water interface. A well in the fresh extent shown on the map will be fresh in that aquifer (<250 ppm chloride concentration). A well in the transition extent shown on the map will encounter salty water in that aquifer at some depth. A well in the salty extent shown on the map will be salty in that aquifer.
Please refer to the typical water budget for the NC coastal plain. As is clear in this budget diagram, a very small percentage of rainfall infiltrates into the confined aquifer system. Most rainfall is lost to evapotranspiration, runoff, or infiltrates into the shallow groundwater system then discharges to local rivers and streams. This discharge to surface drainage is commonly referred to as "baseflow." Recharge to the confined aquifers occurs very slowly across confining units. Recharge occurs more readily where the confined aquifer becomes part of the surficial aquifer or where it is directly below the surficial aquifer and the confining unit is thinner and/or discontinuous.

[1] 14C GROUNDWATER AGE AND THE IMPORTANCE OF CHEMICAL FLUXES ACROSS AQUIFER BOUNDARIES IN CONFINED CRETACEOUS AQUIFERS OF NORTH CAROLINA, USA, Casey Kennedy, David P. Genereux, Department of Marine, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, NCSU, Raleigh, NC, in Radiocarbon, Vol 49, Nr 3, 2007, p. 1181-1203